All The Commands!
Warning: This is a VERY long post... CTRL+F (Open Apple + F) to find what you need!
- Essentials:
[*] /spawn
[*] /back
[*] /tphere
[*] /tpa
[*] /tpaccept
[*] /tpdeny
[*] /time
[*] /sethome
[*] /home
[*] /afk
[*] /delhome
[*] /help
[*] /list
[*] /msg
[*] /ping
[*] /reply
[*] /kill
[*] /motd
- Other:
[*] /cprivate
[*] /cremove
[*] /cpassword {}
[*] /lwc -u {}
[*] /money
[*] /money top
[*] /{skill}
[*] /mctop {skill}
[*] /mctop
[*] /mcstats
[*] /lm
- Towny:
[*] /towny ?
[*] /town ?
[*] /plot ?
[*] /plot claim
[*] /t claim
[*] /t new
[*] /t deposit
[*] /t delete
[*] /nation ?
[*] /t invite {name}
[*] /n invite {town name}
[*] /accept
[*] /deny
- Essentials:
[*] /time
[*] /time set
[*] /i {item} {quantity}
[*] /give {name} {quantity}
[*] /nick {name} {nickname}
[*] /heal
[*] /gm
[*] /feed
[*] /ci (Clear Inventory)
[*] /kick {name}
[*] /ban {name}
[*] /unban {name}
[*] /say
[*] /me
[*] /sethome {} (You can set any number of homes
[*] /home {}
- Other:
[*] /mv tp {name} {worldname}
[*] /mv list
- Towny:
[*] /townyadmin ?
Can't find the command you're looking for? Don't know where to find it? Ask an admin/mod in game, or ask a question in the comments below!